

2015.0824 - 0830 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0398 - [英] 歌喉讚 2 (Pitch Perfect 2) (2015)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M3007 - [日] 鐵道員 (Poppoya-Railroad Man) (1999)
B25M3006 - [英] 淹死老公 (Drowning by Numbers) (1988)
B25M3005 - [英] 一代奸雄 (All the King's Men) (1949)
B25M2999 - [英] 威鯨闖天關 (Free Willy) (1994)
B25M2998 - [中] 台北夜遊團團轉 (One Night In Taipei) (2014)
B25M2990 - [英] 風馳電掣 (Superfast) (2015)
B25M2989 - [英] 赤膽屠龍 (Rio Bravo) (1959)
B25M2986 - [法] 大冤獄 (The Confession) (1970)
B25M2985 - [法] 戒嚴令 (State of Siege) (1972)
B25M2984 - [英] 一九八四 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) (1984)
B25M2980 - [英] 紙飛機 (Paper Planes) (2014)
B25M2979 - [英] 心靈大道 (Boulevard) (2014)
B25M2978 - [英] 七分鐘 (7 Minutes) (2014)

B25M3004 - [英] 獅子王 3 (The Lion King 3 - Hakuna Matata) (2004)
B25M3003 - [英] 獅子王 2 - 辛巴的榮耀 (The Lion King 2 - Simba's Pride) (1998)
B25M3002 - [英] 霸凌女教師 (Bad Teacher) (2011)
B25M3001 - [中] 春嬌與志明 (Love in the Buff) (2012)
B25M3000 - [英] 藍絲絨 (Blue Velvet) (1986)
B25M2997 - [英] 彈簧刀 (Sling Blade) (1996)
B25M2996 - [英] 異星戰場 - 強卡特戰記 (John Carter of Mars) (2012)
B25M2995 - [中] 決戰紫禁之巔 (The Duel) (2000)
B25M2994 - [中] 孤男寡女 (Needing You…) (2000)
B25M2993 - [中] 喋血街頭 (Bullet In the Head) (1990)
B25M2992 - [日] 草食男之桃花期 (Love Strikes) (2011)
B25M2991 - [瑞] 處女之泉 (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
B25M2988 - [英] 白爛討債族 (Repo Man) (1984)
B25M2987 - [英] 日出 (Sunrise) (1927)
B25M2983 - [英] 賭王之王 (Rounders) (1998)
B25M2982 - [中] 賭俠大戰拉斯維加斯 (The Conmen In Vegas) (1999)
B25M2981 - [韓] 歡迎來到東莫村 (Welcome to Dongmakgol) (2005)

BD25 藍光音樂
B25V0846 - 呂珊 - 弦來最愛呂珊管弦樂演唱會
B25V0845 - 楊千嬅 - Let's Begin Concert 2015 世界巡迴演唱會
B25V0843 - Fairies - Fairies 專輯藍光特典
B25V0842 - ANTHEM - Blazing Faith ~ revisited 演唱會
B25V0841 - 濱崎步 - sixxxxxx 專輯藍光特典
B25V0840 - 向卡洛金致敬演唱會 (MusiCares Tribute to Carole King)
B25V0839 - 泳兒 - Vincy Live '15 愛情歌 音樂會
B25V0838 - 張智霖 - Crazy Hours Live 2014 演唱會

B25V0844 - 小甜甜布蘭妮(Britney Spears) - The Femme Fatale Tour 演唱會

BD25 藍光成人
B25X1262 - [美] Sasha Grey's Anatomy
B25X1263 - [美] Star Wars XXX - A Porn Parody