

2017.0206 - 0212 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0580 - [英] 逐夢棋緣 (The Queen Of Katwe) (2016)
B50M0579 - [英] 碟仙 - 惡靈始源 (Ouija - Origin of Evil) (2016)

BD50 藍光音樂
B50V0092 - 維也納新年音樂會 2017 (Neujahrs Konzert New Year's Concert 2017)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M4817 - [英] 美國心風暴 (American Pastoral) (2016)
B25M4816 - [德] 大藝術家與我 (Me and Kaminski) (2015)
B25M4815 - [英] 非普通家庭 (The Family Fang) (2015)
B25M4814 - [英] 路易的第9條命 (The 9th Life of Louis Drax) (2016)
B25M4813 - [英] 笨賊樂盜家 (Masterminds) (2015)
B25M4812 - [義] 閨蜜瘋上路 (Like Crazy) (2016)
B25M4811 - [英] 正義聯盟 - 黑暗深處 (Justice League - Dark) (2017)
B25M4810 - [英] 壁花女孩夢遊中 (Girl Asleep) (2015)
B25M4809 - [英] 舞國英雄譜 (Center Stage) (2000)
B25M4808 - [日] 我們的交換日記 (The Last Chance - Diary of Comedians) (2013)
B25M4807 - [英] 神鬼嚎野人 (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) (2016)
B25M4805 - [英] 黑瘋婆娘的萬聖節 (Boo! A Madea Halloween) (2016)
B25M4804 - [英] 逐夢棋緣 (The Queen Of Katwe) (2016)
B25M4803 - [英] 怪物來敲門 (A Monster Calls) (2016)
B25M4801 - [中] 江湖悲劇 (Fooling Around Jiang Hu) (2016)
B25M4800 - [英] 瘋狂單身趴 (Joshy) (2016)
B25M4799 - [英] 女男變錯身 (It's a Boy Girl Thing) (2006)
B25M4798 - [英] 惡女出閘 (Everly) (2014)
B25M4797 - [日] 瀨戶與內海 (Seto & Utsumi) (2016)
B25M4794 - [西] 格爾尼卡 (Guernica) (2016)
B25M4793 - [義] 我的型男老闆 (Do You See Me?) (2014)
B25M4792 - [英] 殘屋屍骸 (The Remains) (2016)
B25M4791 - [英] 危險鄰人 (The Neighbor) (2016)
B25M4790 - [英] 新小婦人 (Little Women) (1994)
B25M4789 - [中] 點五步 (Weeds on Fire) (2016)
B25M4788 - [中] 三少爺的劍 (Sword Master) (2016)
B25M4785 - [日] 失序男孩 (Destruction Babies) (2016)
B25M4784 - [中] 天亮之前 (One Night Only) (2016)
B25M4779 - [英] 援交情緣 (The Escort) (2015)
B25M4777 - [日] 戰神 - 只是愛著你 電影版 (Mars) (2016)
B25M4776 - [日] 蠟筆小新電影 - 爆睡 夢世界大作戰! (Crayon Shinchan 2016 Theatrical Film) (2016)

B25M4806 - [英] 夢幻女郎 (Dreamgirls) (2006)
B25M4802 - [日] 挪威的森林 (Norwegian Wood) (2010)
B25M4796 - [挪] 美麗妖物 (Thale) (2012)
B25M4795 - [英] 下流正義 (The Lincoln Lawyer) (2011)
B25M4787 - [日] 忍者戰場 (Kamui) (2009)
B25M4786 - [拉] 雷霆保衛戰 (Defenders of Riga) (2007)
B25M4783 - [英] 我倆沒有明天 (Bonnie And Clyde) (1967)
B25M4782 - [法] 巴黎拜金女 (Priceless) (2006)
B25M4781 - [英] 飄洋過海,愛上妳 (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen) (2011)
B25M4780 - [法] 第一次接觸 (La Boum) (1980)
B25M4778 - [英] 凶線第六感 (In the Cut) (2003)
B25M4775 - [英] 偷襲珍珠港 (Tora! Tora! Tora!) (1970)
B25M4774 - [英] 驅魔 (The Exorcism of Emily Rose) (2005)
B25M4773 - [日] 心之谷 (Whisper Of The Heart) (1995)
B25M4772 - [英] 隨心所欲 (Wanderlust) (2012)
B25M4771 - [英] 最後的蘇格蘭王 (The Last King of Scotland) (2006)

BD25 藍光影集
B25T2647 - [陸] 陸小鳳與花滿樓 (Detectives and Doctors) (2015) [Disc 3/3]
B25T2640 - [陸] 陸小鳳與花滿樓 (Detectives and Doctors) (2015) [Disc 2/3]
B25T2639 - [陸] 陸小鳳與花滿樓 (Detectives and Doctors) (2015) [Disc 1/3]
B25T2638 - [陸] 茶頌 (Tea Song) (2013) [Disc 3/3]
B25T2637 - [陸] 茶頌 (Tea Song) (2013) [Disc 2/3]
B25T2636 - [陸] 茶頌 (Tea Song) (2013) [Disc 1/3]
B25T2635 - [陸] 封神英雄 (The Investiture of the Gods II) (2015) [Disc 5/5]
B25T2634 - [陸] 封神英雄 (The Investiture of the Gods II) (2015) [Disc 4/5]
B25T2633 - [陸] 封神英雄 (The Investiture of the Gods II) (2015) [Disc 3/5]
B25T2632 - [陸] 封神英雄 (The Investiture of the Gods II) (2015) [Disc 2/5]
B25T2631 - [陸] 封神英雄 (The Investiture of the Gods II) (2015) [Disc 1/5]
B25T2630 - [日] 永遠的 0 (The Eternal Zero) (2015)
B25T2629 - [日] 俠飯 (Otoko meshi) (2016)
B25T2628 - [日] 醫療小組 達文西女士的診斷 (Medical Team Lady da Vinci's Diagnosis) (2016)
B25T2627 - [日] 多金社長小資女 (Rich Man, Poor Woman) (2012)
B25T2626 - [韓] 舉重妖精金福珠 (Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok-joo) (2016) [Disc 2/2]
B25T2625 - [韓] 舉重妖精金福珠 (Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok-joo) (2016) [Disc 1/2]
B25T2660 - [韓] 藍色海洋的傳說 (Legend Of The Blue Sea) (2016) [Disc 2/2]
B25T2624 - [韓] 藍色海洋的傳說 (Legend Of The Blue Sea) (2016) [Disc 1/2]
B25T2623 - [日] Chef ~三星級營養午餐~ (Chef ~Three Star School Lunch~) (2016)
B25T2622 - [英] 美國恐怖故事 第六季 (American Horror Story S06) (2016)
B25T2619 - [韓] 夜行書生 (Scholar Who Walks The Night) (2015) [Disc 2/2]
B25T2618 - [韓] 夜行書生 (Scholar Who Walks The Night) (2015) [Disc 1/2]