

2023.02 新片更新


BD50 UHD 電影
U50M0838 - [英] 黑豹 2 - 瓦干達萬歲 (Black Panther - Wakanda Forever) (2022)
U50M0837 - [英] 偷拐搶騙 (Snatch) (2000)
U50M0836 - [英] 決戰異世界前傳 - 鬼哭狼嚎 (Underworld - Rise of the Lycans) (2009)
U50M0835 - [英] 社群網戰 (The Social Network) (2010)
U50M0834 - [英] 理性與感性 (Sense And Sensibility) (1995)
U50M0833 - [英] 詭老 (Old) (2021)
U50M0832 - [英] 哥吉拉 (Godzilla) (2014)
U50M0831 - [英] 太空戰士 (Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within) (2001)
U50M0830 - [英] 大智若魚 (Big Fish) (2003)
U50M0829 - [英] 最後魔鬼英雄 (Last Action Hero) (1993)
U50M0828 - [英] 街頭痞子 (8 Mile) (2002)
U50M0827 - [義] 米開朗基羅 - 無盡之詩 (Michelangelo Infinito) (2018)
U50M0826 - [英] 天劫倒數 (Greenland) (2020)
U50M0825 - [英] 落日殺神 (Collateral) (2004)

BD25 UHD 電影
U25M0838 - [英] 黑豹 2 - 瓦干達萬歲 (Black Panther - Wakanda Forever) (2022)
U25M0837 - [英] 偷拐搶騙 (Snatch) (2000)
U25M0836 - [英] 決戰異世界前傳 - 鬼哭狼嚎 (Underworld - Rise of the Lycans) (2009)
U25M0835 - [英] 社群網戰 (The Social Network) (2010)
U25M0834 - [英] 理性與感性 (Sense And Sensibility) (1995)
U25M0833 - [英] 詭老 (Old) (2021)
U25M0832 - [英] 哥吉拉 (Godzilla) (2014)
U25M0831 - [英] 太空戰士 (Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within) (2001)
U25M0830 - [英] 大智若魚 (Big Fish) (2003)
U25M0829 - [英] 最後魔鬼英雄 (Last Action Hero) (1993)
U25M0828 - [英] 街頭痞子 (8 Mile) (2002)
U25M0827 - [義] 米開朗基羅 - 無盡之詩 (Michelangelo Infinito) (2018)
U25M0826 - [英] 天劫倒數 (Greenland) (2020)
U25M0825 - [英] 落日殺神 (Collateral) (2004)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M8601 - [英] 俠探特攻 - 全面追緝 (Detective Knight - Rogue) (2022)
B25M8600 - [英] 哥兒們 (Bros) (2022)
B25M8599 - [英] 獵魂戰地 (WarHunt) (2022)
B25M8598 - [英] 凶鯊島 (The Reef - Stalked) (2022)
B25M8597 - [日] 美味午餐大作戰 - 畢業篇 (School Meals Time - Graduation) (2022)
B25M8596 - [阿] 天堂髮廊 (Huda's Salon) (2021)
B25M8595 - [英] 終極堡壘 2 (Fortress - Sniper's Eye) (2022)
B25M8594 - [日] 如果30歲還是處男,似乎就能成為魔法師 電影版 (Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!) (2022)
B25M8593 - [西] 魔殺事件簿 (Belzebuth) (2017)
B25M8592 - [英] 黑豹 2 - 瓦干達萬歲 (Black Panther - Wakanda Forever) (2022)
B25M8590 - [中] 長津湖 (The Battle at Lake Changjin) (2021)
B25M8589 - [中] 長津湖之水門橋 (The Battle at Lake Changjin II) (2022)
B25M8588 - [中] 破事兒 (Trivial Matters) (2007)
B25M8587 - [中] 一秒拳王 (One Second Champion) (2020)
B25M8586 - [中] 命運化妝師 (Make Up) (2011)
B25M8585 - [中] 棟篤特工 (Agent Mr. Chan) (2018)
B25M8584 - [中] 姜子牙 (Legend of Deification) (2020)
B25M8583 - [中] 死因無可疑 (Legally Declared Dead) (2020)
B25M8582 - [中] 失衡凶間 (Tales from the Occult) (2022)
B25M8581 - [中] 緣路山旮旯 (Far Far Away) (2021)
B25M8580 - [英] 秘密基地 (Secret Headquarters) (2022)
B25M8579 - [西] 雙子謀殺案 - 白城之寂 (Twin Murders - The Silence of the White City) (2019)
B25M8578 - [日] 極道主夫 電影版 (The Way of the Househusband) (2022)
B25M8577 - [英] 伊尼舍林的女妖 (The Banshees of Inisherin) (2022)
B25M8576 - [英] 致命遺產 (Stowaway) (2022)
B25M8575 - [英] 心碎效應 (Shattered) (2022)
B25M8574 - [法] 淘氣尼古拉 - 尋寶計畫 (Little Nicholas' Treasure) (2021)
B25M8573 - [英] 劊樂假期 (Happily) (2021)
B25M8572 - [英] 月光光新慌慌 - 萬聖結 (Halloween Ends) (2022)
B25M8571 - [英] 月光光殺光光 (Candy Corn) (2019)
B25M8570 - [法] 拆彈倒數30分鐘 (Blast) (2021)
B25M8569 - [英] 天劫高手 (Bandit) (2022)
B25M8568 - [法] 死噬 (Arthur, malediction) (2022)
B25M8567 - [英] 獎命 (1UP) (2022)