


[英] 陰屍路 第一季 (The Walking Dead S01) (2010)[台版字幕]

  • 商品編號:B25T0172
  • 貨  號:BT0103
  • 所得積分:70
  • 銷售價: NT$70
app hook
產品編號 B25T0172
中文名稱 陰屍路 第一季
英文名稱 The Walking Dead S01
影片年份 2010
影片選單 自製選單
字幕 繁中 (原版台版DVD字幕轉移)
碟片規格 BD25 X 1 (共 6 集)
備註 1080P 藍光轉製


1. Days Gone Bye
Rick searches for his family after emerging from a coma into a world terrorized by the walking dead. Morgan and Duane, whom he meets along the way, help teach Rick the new rules for survival.

2. Guts
Rick unknowingly causes a group of survivors to be trapped by walkers. The group dynamic devolves from accusations to violence as Rick must confront an enemy far more dangerous than the undead.

3. Tell It To The Frogs
Rick makes a decision to go back into Atlanta to retrieve the bag of guns and save a man's life. Lori and Shane must deal with the surprising return of someone they thought was dead.

4. Vatos
Rick's mission to Atlanta is jeopardized when things go awry. Jim becomes unhinged in the camp.

5. Wildfire
Rick leads the group to the CDC after the attack. Jim must make a terrible life and death decision.

6. TS-19
Rick and the group are allowed into the CDC by a strange doctor. But not all is what it seems in their newly found haven.

Disc Size: 22,943,481,253 bytes
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main Profile 4.0
Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
太黃君說: 13-03-13 17:38
您補給我的片還是不能看耶 飛利浦 LG PS3 這3台機器都無法撥放...會不會是片子的問題
管理员[Salegamez]  回復: 13-03-13 17:46
飛利浦 LG 不能看滿正常的 PS3 我們測過可以看阿 請問韌體是哪一版
a88102335說: 12-12-14 00:09
desblood說: 11-05-07 01:10